
Saturday, October 09, 2004


Thursday, October 07, 2004


What,s all that about?

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Pros & Cons
Alternative views on life.

Mountains that walk are a rarity, landslides happen quite often.
Mountains do not have to be climbed, they can be admired.
When houses are demolished and then rebuilt, lessons are learnt but the houses often resemble the original.
A career move is better than solving long standing problems.
If you fully understand the others point of view it is harder to shoot him between the eyes.
Consider reorganising from the bottom up, rather than the top down.
The thoughts of the many are the actions of the few.
Your "out tray" is my "in tray".
Our labour is bought but our loyalty is earned.
Willing and well fed horses pull the hardest.
The work of the hand can be seen, thoughts are invisible and rarely expressed.
In any situation there are as many points of view as there people, unless they are all standing in the same place.
Beneath most tightrope walkers there is a hell of a drop.
The rewards of failure in one area can be success in another.
The one above who sees all can't see it from my point of view.
Although the view from the top of the mountain is broader there are less flowers.
Do it right first way.
A cynic is someone who sees the world differently.
The opposite of up maybe sideways.
Being on board with an idea is not the same as knowing the destination.
The interface between them and us is me.
They also serve who only stand and wait.
The steepness of the slope does not define the height of the mountain.
If we complete all today what of tomorrow?
The burden is easier to carry if properly packed.
If the sun is shining, rain is just over the hill.
Objects are often found by the shadow they cast.
If opposites attract look at who is sitting next to you.
To have an open door means there is always a draught.
Opposition does not mean you have got it wrong, just that there may be a better way of doing it. .
Quality is the customers perception of your performance.
Define the economies of scale to an ant and an elephant.
Bacon used to be rationalised on a bacon slicer.
The view from the top is all down hill, the view from the bottom is a hell of a climb.
When you plant an oak tree don't expect to use the planks.
Camels don't drink very often but they always have the hump.
Stitches whilst saving time also cost money.
When sailing you steer the opposite way to the direction you want to go.
If his bark is worse than his bite watch where you step.
An elephant has a long nose which he keeps to himself.
Options are the choice of the possible, try something different.
The rolling stone often gets exhausted.
To say sorry is usually the cheapest option.
A roof keeps out the water but a submarine has not got one.
All the blue birds over Dover have been shot!!
My vices are your tax relief.
Its living that kills you.
Being flexible means doing it my way.
If caught apologise.
Staff are the optional extra doing the essential work.
A chief executive reorganises when his in tray is empty and his imagination exhausted.
Energy conservation is the coal fired power station anticipating me switching off the light. Saving energy is me not switching on the light.
Business is something we do at work, it is also something nasty on the pavement.
Planning can be the expenditure of energy on the unlikely whilst ignoring the inevitable.
Optimism shows a lack of imagination, a pessimist perceives reality.
Honesty whilst being the best policy does not make money quickly.
A monthly report concentrates the mind of the sender not the recipient.
Messages coming down through an organisation have little in common with those going up. If they do its coincidence.
Most written instructions satisfy the needs of the sender rather than the needs of the organisation.

To progress in an organisation:
Don't be too good at anything but good enough so they will think you can do the next job better, by the time they find out it will be to late for them to amend their mistake and you will be doing the next job.

On promotion do not assume you can do the job better than your subordinates, if you could you would still be there.
If you wait and see you will have the hindsight to comment on lost opportunities.
Keep your eye on the ball and let the other look after itself.
Meetings can achieve the aims of the chairman despite the people attending.
The warm seat beneath the swinging chain may be on fire.
A dripping tap is at least full of water.
An army facing both ways at once may not be in disarray, it may be expecting an attack from the rear.
Money is the symbol of trust in a society: inflation is the abuse of that trust.
Life is hard enough why play golf.
If you have stooped low enough to fight is there any point in observing the rules?
Don't kill anything you could not create.
All progress is made on the mistakes of others, so why decry my mistake, it may be your path to the top.
United we stand, divided there may be room to sit down.
Sharks always grin when attacking.
Medals are cheaper than pensions.
Responsibility without authority can be worrying, why worry if you have authority without responsibility.
When we speak we hold a mirror to our mind, when we listen we have a window on the world..
Socialism is the sharing with others the things they have got.
Capitalism is the getting of things others have got.
Liberalism is the giving to others the things others have got..
Communism is the sharing of things we have got.
If you complete one job before starting the next you are easily dispensable.
Privacy markings promote curiosity.
Understanding motivation is the key to the soul.
The sum of the difference can be harmony.
It is not always necessary to aim directly at the target in order to hit it.
Assuming the worst can be a pleasant surprise if it does not happen.
Efficient management is maximising the efforts of the majority by the minimal efforts of the minority.
Todays lost opportunities can be easier to recognise next year.
If a squirrel is a rat with a bushy tail do you know any squirrels.
Fear is natures motivator.
Reality is a mirage of the mind.
It is OK to be a wild duck as long as you fly in formation.
Rons RULE - When I start to understand their thinking they change their minds.
The above is a view of reality based on experience, supposition and not a little humour.
These little thoughts were noted by me over past years and have focused and bent basic truths for my benefit.
I would like to share them with some friends.