
Saturday, March 01, 2025

How any world leader can deal with a personality such as Trump is beyond me. His twisted personalty is motivated  it seems by personal wealth, and the needs of a TV personality cult. Truth is a flexible morality which he twists on an hourly basis. I think he would fail any job interview on the basis of integrity, trust  and having a criminal record. He would not be able to be trusted to deal with the tea club money and his interpersonal skills are dubious. However he would be a hit at the firms Christmas party as an idiot clown and the subject of ridicule over his sexual preferences.

Under his “leadership” he has bought contempt on himself and his country.
Perhaps the King will educate him on the history of Canada and remind him of the USA *colonial history with Great Britain. The US generation that saved the free world is no longer with us and its largely due to their efforts that the credibility of his nation rests.
Hopefully he is now just over half way through his legal term as President and my only hope is that before long, and before it is destroyed, the people and their elected representatives of the USA use the levers of legality to bring this rampant megalomaniac and his co-conspirators to order.

If they don’t someone may take the law and a weapon into their own hands and cause a second US civil war and open up an even wider global confrontation.

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty.”

–President John F. Kennedy

Lets hope the current President quickly decides who is friend and foe and lets the world know!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Pair of shoes added using AI


Sunday, February 23, 2025

 Can we do business with Trumps America?

Only time will tell but only if we use a long spoon?

Brings a new meaning to the saying “Shining city on a hill”
Originally applied to the city of Boston by early 17th century Puritans, it came to adopt broader use in political rhetoric in United States politics, that of a declaration of American exceptionalism, and referring to America acting as a "beacon of hope" for the world. You are the light of the world.

"Someone needs to trim the lamps wick"?

PMs visit to the White House.

With theUK PM about to set off to kiss the emperors ring what consolatory gifts will he be taking.?

What UK problems will he be aiming to solve?

Will it be the threat of tariffs?

Will it be a possible US withdrawal from NATO.

Will it be the threats to independent states by Russia AND the US?

Do the risks to UK credibility

with the US administration rest with commitment to increase NATO spending and what will be on offer?

Will the  PM remind the neocolonialist that he meets regularly with the head of state of a country that is under threat from an empire building USA?

How will the ethics of a legal mind deal with those of a convicted, lying, failed businessman who tries to  compensate with a Barnham style circus act on the world stage and rejects all but the most compliant advisers?


To be continued?        

The possibility of a two state solution is a problem caused as a result of the guilt felt by the Western powers resulting in a Jewish state being imposed on an Arab country rather than a European country namely Germany?