
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Act of Union

So some Scots want full independence. In 1707 Scotland and England mutually signed the Act of Union with neither party being under duress to do so. Now one of the countries wants to change that union. Is it not right that the English should be given a say as to their preference?

As an Englishman I am proud to be united with Scotland, why change?

Perhaps it is sobering to think that in the 1860s a nation was torn apart by civil war due to succession!

Mr Salmond would be well advised to leave this United Kingdom well alone.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Ponies on North Hill

300+ years of union

In 1707 the act of union bought Scotland and England together to form a United Kingdom.

Scottish independence will no doubt result in a dis-united kindom?

Looks as though only the Scots have a power of veto then?

Monday, January 09, 2012

Makes you think?

Think and we keep it to ourselves
Write and we share it with the world