
Saturday, July 09, 2011

Newspapers and fish and chips.

Fish and chips were once wrapped in newspaper giving the product a valued second use. This is now regarded as a health issue which with recent events perhaps highlights other aspects of the media industry.
Increasingly it seems to be recognised that it is inappropriate and damaging for any media magnet to choose the colour of future governments anywhere in the democratic world.
However no doubt this will continue because money talks!
Lets hope GCHQ continues with their "hacking" operations for all our sakes.

Magnets and OFCOM

No doubt other considerations will influence the final decision pending on BSkyB! However if the bid gets the go ahead the consideration as to "Fit and proper" will have been entirely ignored.

Wapping waffle

I listened to, "irony on irony" (the "hacked no doubt without premission) Sky News recording of Rebeka Brook addressing the NOTW journalists. No doubt she was under pressure but her inarticulate ramblings made me wonder what attributes had been recognised by others for her to qualify as a newspaper editor and now Chief Executive of News International. Her promises to "do her best" to find the staff other jobs must have insulted the ears of those who now find themselves unemployed. No doubt in the next few days she will, having absorbed the flack that could justifable have been aimed at bigger targets, she will be discarded with the same disregard. How then will she earn a living? The answer will be interesting reading in the redtops in the years ahead. We have not heard the last of the "Witch of Wapping" or will she be made Baroness Wapping for services rendered?

Friday, July 08, 2011

A seaside tale.

Image the scene - a beach somewhere in England.
After a warm sunny day the sand is warm and dry and a number of sandcastles stand boldly enjoying their prime positions in the sun with their paper flages fluttering gaily in the increasing onshore wind.
However the tide has now turned and like a tide of public opinion the waves are advancing menacingly up the beach towards the sand castles.
This is not the longest day - these days are yet to come for many in this small seaside town.
No today is Friday 8th July 2011.
In its advance the tide has already destroyed one red topped castle which is now being merged into the greater expanse of sand along with its many pebbles and dependant hard working sand flies.
Nearby a tall red headed child has been ordered by her family to lie down in front of the families larger castle to try to defend its outer wall against the rushing waves. Right along the beach families are burying dirty nappies in order not to offend future visitors. Consequently bucket and spade sales are doing very well.
Like characters from " Alice in Wonderland" some peple have been buries up to their necks in the sand. They are all clearly aware of the incoming tide but continue to sing with gusto and in unison "Oh we do like to be beside the seaside" Around their necks are notices that seem to read:
DCMS, OFCOM, MP, SKY, and THE CITY. The city person seems to have been badly burnt some days earlier! A Lord from Weston-Super-Mare was expected but he was deatined a long time ago.
A limp piece of sea weed rolls gently back and forth on the edge of the sea gently sighing to itself - it to has a notice that reads PCC.
Off to one side a Punch and Judy show is in full swing watched by a group of eager children. The three main puppets hit one another and shout in high pitched voices " Thats the way to do it!" to the delight of the children who know its only a show.
Up on the seafront a PCSO hurries along muttering to herself "Its wasnt me Guv". Nearby a small group of her colleagues are checking their shoes carefully for sand whilst the majority of other officers carry on their duties despite the sand blowing in their eyes and the ridicules of the drunks in the nearby pub carpark.
As the sun settles on the horizon a pensioner in the nearby park watches the ducks settling into their new house. From the open window of a nearby guest house a clocks westmister chime strikes the hour and reminds him of the book he is reading by Ernest Hemingway called " For whom the bell tolls".
Just then the increasing wind drags a discarded newspaper through a pile of dog dirt and then wraps it firmly around the old mans trousers leaving a disgusting deposit on the military crease. So engrossed is he in its removal he does not notice the group of teenagers walking past chatting on their mobiles and laughing at his predicament. After a couple of minutes some of the crap is removed and he gets up and heads home muttering "It must be a sign of the times"
To be continued!

Bets on the innocent workers being the only fall guys?

Credibility hanging by a thread

So the PM seems to have got it at last. He has finally come on television announcing what the voters seemed to have grasped days or weeks ago.
A PM by definition must be leader of public oppinion not just a follower stating the b....... obvious!
Like an eagle flying backwards he does not appear to know where he is going but can see clearly where he has been!
He now has an opportunity to get ahead of the game, lead by example rather than trying to gain credit by just admitting past mistakes and ensure that public and private oraganisations of all descriptions are reminded of their moral as well as legal responsibilities.
Unless he does this in a few days the coalition particularly the LibDems will hang him out to dry!

NOTW and the MET

We now have two organisations intent on investigating themselves for alledged corruption. Elected politicians who should wherever posible control events for the good of the nation stand by knees atremble wondering what to do in their own self interest. Having supped with the media with the gravy stains to show for it when will they do the right thing.
Come on get a grip!
It is hoped that guily parties will come clean and admit to the corruption they have been involved with whoever they may be!

Thursday, July 07, 2011


Hopefully now the guilty top people at the News of the World will be dealt the same hand as they have dealt out over recent years. Britain has lost the plot if it hands power over to media moguls. After 160 years the NOTW has been bought to its knees not by its loyal and honest workers but by self serving egocentric individuals. Guilty people at the top of the organisation must be rooted out, bought to account and held up as examples of principles that if allowed to continue will bring this country to its knees. Its time for us all to say it as it is!!!


At last the newspaper industry is being dealt the same hand as it has dealt out. After 160 years the News of the World will be printed for the last time on Sunday. The victim of financial and egotistic greed again the inocent workers will will be the victims. Another case of people in high places not getting it, time to do the decent thing and resign!