
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Olympic Games and the NHS

It has been reported that the NHS will be celebrated at the opening of the Olympic games with hundreds of nurses taking part. Clearly I am out of step with the "Big Society" in that I think the best celebration of the NHS is that nurses continue to work full time in the vacation of their choice. Here they can use their talents, training or empathy to care for their patients. This caring profession has little in common with the acalades of the spot light and tinsle but more with the knowledge of a job well done for patients. When is this country going to get a grip on reality?

The Romans held games to take the populations mind off of reality, we are going the same way!

Are the Olympics going to take over from the hospital nursing work station in taking nurses away from their real tasks?

Bah - humbug!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012


So you sow your broad beans in late Autumn.

So due to a mild spell up to Christmas they shoot ahead,

So then comes the frost in January,

So then they droop over,


Who are you today?

Who are you?
Why are you?

Today there are so many ways to share your identity/personality.
It may be a blog, website, facebook or twitter.

The world of on-line gaming is other opportunity to offer a “face” to the world.
There are many drawbacks as well as potential benefits to modern technology.
Most people are complex personalities who have many facets and the question of identity is as

Who are you today?

Monday, January 23, 2012


So the EU will not buy Iranian Oil.
So Iran financial situation will worsen.
So internal Iranian politics come under further strain.
So NATO warships pass through the Strait of Hormuz.
So political pressure builds!
So UN resolution continues to be ignored.
