
Saturday, November 17, 2012

The sweet pea of success!

Planted my sweet peas this morning!

PCC Elections

Tell the Electoral Commision what you think of the PCC Elections by clicking below:

The cost of this travesty of democracy is reported as £100,000,000 !!!!

Makes you think dont it?


Whats in your SPAM folder?

Are you sure its just adverts for enlargement or viagra. There maybe even letters offering untold wealth from 3rd world generals.

However amongst the litter there may be a golden nugget?
My letter to my MP was in his SPAM folder, perhaps with hundreds more?

Makes you think dont it!!!!

"Democracy is a tender plant that Politics and IT systems can destroy"

Friday, November 16, 2012

PCC elections

So there has been a very small turnout for these elections - Surprise - Surprise! What we need is more Police Constables not more politicians.

I wonder what % of spoilt ballet papers were there as that may be indicative of what voters really think of this PMs initiative. It is too easy for media and political pundits to confuse disaggreement with voter apathy!

On the subject of politicians I emailed mine (The MP for Bridgwater) a month ago using the address on his web site. I have yet to receive a reply or even an acknowledgement.

"Democracy is a tender plant that Politics can destroy"

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wall paper

Another day papering. The delights of sticky fingers, horizontal verticals and tripping obstacles!

How to aspire to greater heights!

Click here

Monday, November 12, 2012


Will you vote on Thursday?

Most prospective PCC say they want to maintain the Bobby on the beat.
In my oppinion it is likely that most voters, who take the trouble, will vote along party political lines?

Want to find out more on how an essential public service is being further politicalised then click below:



So the BBC is now in the limelight. With resignations being rewarded with payoffs twice the contracted amount. It seems that this country and its instututions, organisations and corporations are led by a class that sees themselves justified in taking or giving away public money just because that is their right.
Not only are they priveledged at birth with money but benifit from an educations that seems to reinforce their ideas of their own worth. No doubt George Entwistle was promoted at an unfortunate time for him which coincided with significant errors on the part of people he took a significant salary to manage. However S..T happens and he paid the price. However another public servant saw it as his responsiblity to soften the blow with a significant sum of other peoples money.

The day is fast approaching when many ordinary men and women of concience will be proud to be called Plebs to differenciate themselves from the "Managing classes".

 "Today, Pleb is often used to describe a person who appears to belong to the lower or middle classes of society.

This term was originally used to refer to the class of common people in ancient Rome. These people were often poor or middle class, but could also be very wealthy. A wealthy Pleb differed from a Patrician (the elite/upper class) because they were not born into their social status, but rather moved up in society on their own steam.

Upperclassman: "He doesn't have an education and he has a crappy job that earns him very little money. He's such a Pleb"!

Click here for the Urban Dictionary