
Saturday, August 18, 2007

August 2007

I sit in front of the window & the rain runs down the glass
The wind whips round the chimney & I should be cutting the grass!


Friday, August 17, 2007

Reaping the whirlwind

So now the institutions are reaping the effects of lending to people who can ill afford the debt and "spread betting" to cover their risk taking.
So what!, it is unlikely that the whizz kids , new on the block of this finacial balancing act will suffer. No it is the world wide pension funds and the small investors backing industry for the long haul who will suffer.
Again common sense has been turned on its head for short term gain.


I heard an ex-policeman say on the radio recently that the Police had lost the streets. Alternatively perhaps they have lost the air of mystery that many years surrounded their actual powers. Today many people know their rights without accepting or even understanding their social responsibilities. The time has come to hit the offenders hard. Recent killings of citizens trying to defend civilisation is a disgrace. We should all feel ashamed that we have allowed common sense to go out of the window and allow a generation a younge people to be experimented on by ignoring the sensible administration of commensarate retribution. What a gift has now been given to extreme polititions to exploit a situation of tension. Where are the arbitators of our old moral codes, the churches and schools are just the start in what is a long list hiding behind modern ideas and PC attitudes.
Shame on you!