
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Monty Python or Breach of contract?

Once upon a time there was a small coastal town in SW England dependant on the holiday industry where image and small business was important. The administration of the County was divided into three tiers, from the bottom up -Town - District - County.

A bid for a unified authority was overturned by the majority of those electors who bothered to vote.
One of these authorities decided to sell off a large town car park for housing, consequently more cars use street parking. Permit parking is now being considered in residential areas due to lack of or under utalised car parks.

In order to save the contractor money most street cleaning was mechanised but of course there were many gutters that could not be cleared of dust by machine because of parked cars. Nature abhoring a vacuum moved in with grass and weeds which then competed with any Britain in Bloom competition. One resident cleaned his own gutters but was repremanted by a contractor of one of authorities as he was not trained and there was a risk under H&S law as to where the dirt was deposited.

Neglect, lack of interest, no supervision all this despite being paid!!!!

Now these authorities are planning the future use of valuable areas within the small towns boundary - this story continues.

Town & District councellors become independants but felt the need to form alliances.
Some Town Councillors confused the effective managing of a valuable public recreation ground with the sponsorship of a football club.

Gardening - no, standard of road mtce!!!!!

In the meantime residents continue pay their council taxes

Perhaps this saga is playing out in a town near you?

Defender of the Faith

The leader of the established church has spoken out today and grabbed some headlines. His chosen subject that grabbed the headlines, not urging for greater private and public morality, not urging that 3rd world issues are addressed, not that world leaders work for peace or that spiritual leaders mainly Christian and Moslem work towards a greater understanding between these and other moral & religious systems.

No the suject was the wording of the future presumed Coronation of Charles the 2nd and whether he should be know as Defender of the Faith or Faiths.

Perhaps many of the worlds problems today stem from zelots of all faiths "Defending their Faiths" as they see it!

The Northern Rock Rubble!

The financial world was deafened this week by the sound of pigeons coming home to roost as the downside of selling other peoples money was exposed. How this saga will play out in the days and weeks to come will leave none of us better off either as individuals or as a society.